Week 4 Review

It’s been 28 days since I started reading Paul’s letter to the Philippians aloud every day. Most days I read it twice – once in the morning and once in the evening. I didn’t blog about the experience as much as I would have liked so I’m going to try to summarize the various thoughts
Category: Reading Philippians Aloud
Do Not Be Anxious About Anything – Even Ebola

I typically avoid the news and get most of my information about what is going on in the world from people I’m close to or missionaries whose updates I follow. I know my own tendency to be overwhelmed by the fear that often pervades the more traditional sources of news these days and I find
Category: Reading Philippians Aloud
Without Complaining or Arguing

Today was one of those days where you can’t decide if you would rather scream or cry or just go to bed. It was pure frustration — the kind of frustration that results when you feel powerless to stop the ridiculous chaos that someone is creating for a purpose you don’t understand or agree with.
Category: Reading Philippians Aloud
28 Days of Reading Philippians Aloud

I’ve taken several months off blogging. I was starting to feel like my experiments were distracting me from my larger goal of learning to trust Jesus. I wasn’t focusing on the most important things and wanted to take some time off to decide if I wanted to continue with blogging. One thing I did spend
Category: Reading Philippians Aloud
Week 4 Review

After 28 days of tracking my sleep and activity level with Dan’s Plan the amount of sleep I’ve been getting each night has definitely improved. My activity level is also a little better, but not where I’d like it to be. Last week my sleep score was 96% and I averaged 7 hours and 42 min per night.
Category: Dan's Plan
Week 3 Review

After 3 weeks of tracking my sleep and activity level with Dan’s Plan my activity level and sleep are slowly improving. I’ve gone to bed later than usual the last couple of nights because I started a good book – oops. Tonight will be even worse because I need to stay up until midnight to check on
Category: Dan's Plan
Week 2 Review

After 2 weeks of tracking my sleep and activity level with Dan’s Plan I’ve been surprised by the amount of sleep I’ve been able to get. I haven’t been as discipled as I wanted and have gone to sleep later that planned. My son seems to be starting to sleep a little later in the morning though
Category: Dan's Plan
Week 1 Review

After 1 week of tracking my sleep and activity level with Dan’s Plan I’ve gotten more sleep than I have in a long time. I didn’t keep up a solid 8 hours over the weekend (got distracted in the evening again) but my average is a vast improvement. My activity level looks like it’s improving,
Category: Dan's Plan
Gathering Data with Dan’s Plan

Quick update since it’s nearing my bedtime. 🙂 So far I’m aiming to get to sleep earlier and make sure I’m tracking everything accurately. My score at the moment is 76/100. Sleep is going very well so far. My activity level needs improvement. My plan for next week is to fit in some cycling on
Category: Dan's Plan
28 Days of Dan’s Plan

My 28 day experiment for April will be tracking my sleep and activity online using Dan’s Plan. My husband gave me a Fitbit for Christmas and Dan’s Plan integrates with it (and other devices) to track your sleep and activity and motivate you to make improvements. Since my son was born more than 4 years
Category: Dan's Plan